Wicked Weaves

Taking your dog from Beginner to Pro

Do you want Wicked Weave?

Would you like your dog to complete a full set of 12 weave poles?  

Have you struggled to stick with it when learning the weaves?

Does your dog get frustrated and struggle to understand what to do?

 Are you looking to proof your weaves and make them reliable – WICKED in fact? Anywhere and everywhere?

 Do you want to start your weave journey but aren’t quite sure where to begin?

Or have you started but just cant get those weaves finished?

Or maybe you just need some weave ideas and to have some fun with your Canine Buddy.  

Whatever stage you are at in your weave training, WICKED WEAVES has something for you!  

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Wicked Weaves


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Course Summary

This is an AWESOME course that will set you up with great foundations for your weaves or if  you are trying to improve your weaves, this will help increase your dogs speed and accuracy. 

By using the Two by Two Method for weave training, following short videos, with clear demonstrations and diagrams, your dog will be weaving in no time. Your Canine Buddy will develop great forward focus and drive. You will have an awesome time and build a brilliant bond with your dog, as you go through step by step instructions and progressions.

We will look at what motivates your dog, forward focus, understanding the correct entry, reward placement, independence, send aheads, desire, drive and enthusiasm – everything you need to get Wicked Weaves!!  

This is the perfect opportunity for you to spend quality time with your dog focusing on the skills that they need to progress in their training and to build really WICKED WEAVES. 

So what will you get?  ️
✔11 video lessons that take you from the beginning and progress through to a full set of 12 weaves, with full explanatioms, clear demonstrations and equipment diagrams.  ️ 
✔Life time access so that you can work at your own pace.
✔You will also get access to a dedicated Facebook group for:      ️
Feedback      ️Questions      ️Tips and tricks      ️Accountability  
Sign up now to start your epic WICKED WEAVES journey.  

What do you need?

✔ 2×2 weave pole set or a set of 6 or 12, stick in the ground poles or even chicken fence posts*
✔ A dog older than 12 months (Younger dogs are not physically ready for weaving)
✔ Lots of enthusiasm  
✔Access to FB (If feedback is required, but not essential)  *Just make sure they are safe for your Canine buddy.

Course Pricing

Wicked Weaves


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Course Curriculum

Kate Lamacraft Lamacraft

Kate : is the head trainer and owner of The Canine Hub. She has gained a range of professional dog training qualifications which include The practical IABTC instructing pet dog owners course, Agility 1st Trainer, Pro Dog Trainer, Pro Dog Geek course, UK Scentwork trainer, UK Snifferdogs Instructor, and an Advanced Canine body language specialist. Kate also holds a canine first aid qualification and human 1st aid certificate.

The Canine Hub had been a dream of Kate for many years, to provide a dog training centre where dogs and owners could come together and learn in a force free, reward based training environment. That dream is now a reality, offering many training opportunities in many activities both on and off line.
Kate has lived with dogs for over 25 year and has been training professionally for 8 years. She competes at agility with her two rescue collie crosses. Roxy (Grade 6) and Gem (Grade 7 ) and a working cocker spaniel,  Skip (Grade 6).

There was a new addition to the family in 2024, Drift, a Border Collie puppy. You can follow her agility progress in our blog and in the new online course. Foundation Agility:Driven by Drift.

Course Pricing

Wicked Weaves


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